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JobKeeper 2.0 Eligible Employees

Employee eligibility will remain broadly the same but the value of the payment will change from 28 September based on average weekly hours in February 2020.

· On 1 March 2020:

o Was aged 16 years and over; and

o If the individual was aged 16 or 17, was either financially independent or was not undertaking full-time study;

o Was an employee other than a casual, or was a long-term casual*; and

o Was an Australian resident (under the meaning of the Social Security Act 1991), or a resident for tax purposes and held a Subclass 444 (Special category) visa**.

· And, at any point during the JobKeeper fortnight:

o Was an employee of the employer; and

o Was not an excluded employee:

- An employee receiving parental leave pay or dad and partner pay; or

- An employee receiving workers compensation payments in relation to total incapacity.

· And, has provided the JobKeeper Payment Employee Nomination to the employer:

o Agreeing to be nominated by the employer as an eligible employee under the JobKeeper scheme; and

o Confirming that they have not agreed to be nominated by another employer; and

o If they are a long-term casual, they do not have permanent employment with another employer.

*A ‘long term casual employee’ is a person who has been employed by the business on a regular and systematic basis during the period of 12 months that ended on 1 March 2020 (1 March 2019 to 1 March 2020). These are likely to be employees with a recurring work schedule or a reasonable expectation of ongoing work.


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